Saturday, August 15, 2009


Okay, so once upon a time there was this girl who wanted to be a writer, except that she couldn't commit to one thing that she was writing, see? Instead, she started ten different stories that she works on whenever the mood happens to strike, and if it doesn't happen to strike then she ignores them for months or just starts another one so that then there're twelve or thirteen. Did I skip a number? Sometimes she skips a number. Anyway, she has to have 20-30 pages of what she considers her "best work" by the end of December, but it could take twenty years to actually finish anything, because at the rate she's going she'll have to finish everything. Granted, in twenty years, she'll have fifty or sixty books all finished at the same time (roughly), and a publisher might think that was nice, but it does no good, absolutely no good at all for December, because December is less than twenty years away. She needs discipline. Yes! Discipline would be good. If she had discipline then maybe she could live happily ever after. Or not. Depending on which story she had the discipline to finish.